Metro Card Art

Sweeping Man, 2012

I love to be surprised.   Not the surprise-party kind of surprise (I actually hate that kind of surprise), but the more personal something-completely-exceeds-expectations surprised, or the knock-your-socks-off surprised.

Emily Dickinson wrote: “If I read a book [and] it makes my whole body so cold no fire ever can warm me I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only way I know it.”  That’s the kind of surprise I love.  It’s the shut-the-front-door surprise, the blow-your-mind surprise.

People can surprise me this way, places surprise me, language surprises me, but I really love when someone makes art that completely surprises me.

Today the art of Nina Boesch caught me off guard.  A New-York based artist she creates collage from discarded Metro Cards.

Who knew Metro Cards could be so beautiful?

Cabs- Aerial View, 2011

And… in full disclosure… I discovered her on Apartment Therapy (which is one of my most favorite ways to waste time).